A Division of Techline Technologies, Inc.


Advanced trauma simulations for the Emergency Responder. 

    Techline Trauma's origin is in the U.S. Army Research and Development Command's Severe Trauma Simulation program. 


    Techline was provided access to research, photographs, and training commands.  The mission was to develop more realistic wound simulations for training soldiers. 


    After studying the data and visiting the training sites, Techline set forth the following objectives:


  • Realistic appearance, weight, bleeding, and clinical accuracy.
  • Rapid set up without the use of make-up or adhesives.
  • A third dimension to the wounds allowing for actual medical interventions, building the trainee's muscle memory.
  • Interaction with pressure points and tourniquets to control bleeding.
  • Sized to fit most actors.
  • Ruggedness that would allow years of use in a field training environment.

    Techline Trauma's wearable wound simulations are currently in use by all branches of the U.S. Military.  They can be found in the Medical Simulation Training Centers, the Air Survival Training Centers, and on the small unit level. 


    The cost, compared to interactive medical mannequins, and/or the staffing, training and supply of make-up artists, makes Techline's wearable wound simulations the ideal training aid at battalion level and below. 


    The lack of electronics allow wearable wound simulations to transition from shore, to ship, and will not interfere with sensitive avionics or navigational equipment.


    The trainees get the maximum benefit of a live patients, who can struggle, speak, and control their own reactions to the medical interventions.  No remote operator, wires, power supply, or support staff are necessary.  The clinical presentation of the wounds remove the need for verbal cues from the instructor during the simulation.  The instructor can evaluate the trainee's decision making and practical application of terminal learning objectives.