A Division of Techline Technologies, Inc.


Advanced trauma simulations for the Emergency Responder. 

    Techline Trauma's wearable wound simulations allow the Law Enforcement and Emergency Responders to practice their clinical skills without the need for a large "production".  Less prep time needed for a drill equals more time to assess the skills and response used by the participants.

  • Tactical units can run realistic scenarios on their own range without having to rely on make-up artists and outside agencies.
  • Fire Departments and Urban Search and Rescue Teams can add a realistic medical problem to their extracation training.
  • EMTs can use the Techline Trauma simulations to practice actual clinical skills on live patients.
  • Emergency Managers have the ability to run mass casualty drills with a minimal amount of preparation to moulage patients. 
  • Hospital Safety Committees can run performance improvement projects within their own facility.  The wound simulations are rugged and reusable, allowing for the movement of the patients through all levels of care.

    The wound simulations are designed to give the medical practitioner the maximum amount of training.  The closed fracture arms simulate crepitus, the gunshot wounds are packable, and all of the bleeding can be stopped with proper interventions.